Injector supply voltage & positioning.

Wed Dec 21 16:14:50 GMT 1994

>They are, except for turn on and turn-off time.  At high and low duty cycles
>the turn on and turn off times can be significant.  A higher voltage will open
>the injector faster.  The two ohm resistor is for current limiting.  The
>impedance of the injector coil drops exponentially while it is on, ie the
>instant you apply voltage, the impedance is near infinite (or at least real
>high).  It drops quickly to whatever the resistance of the coil wire is, which
>is usually not much.  The coil will draw too much current by itself if left on
>for too long, hence the resistor to limit current.  A better solution would be
>a transistorized constant current driver.

I belive that several companies make injector drivers, I remember
receiving some stuff on that. Those circuits should address all those
concerns. Try TI and SGS.

Peter Orban
National Research Council of Canada
Internet: peter.orban at

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