additional features...

Ken King kking at
Wed May 11 03:49:19 GMT 1994

  howza-bout some security features?  things like an idle-thru-35mph map
that can be activated w/ a switch (for vallet,...), perhaps a second switch
for a lesser performance map (for the teenager on a date...).

  also a real security interface - some sort of key-fob activated switch
that won't let you start the car w/o it (or a combination entered, or a
'credit card' swipe,...)

  lets see....  i've got one computer for security/alarm, one for enging
sensor management, one controlling ignition pulses and a fourth for the
fuel injection.  can anyone think of somehting i missed (i told you that
the cost to finish my project doubled when my wife got that @$#%*! jeep)


69 nova (all over the garage)   77 aspen slant-6 (rusting in the driveway)

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