finding 68F333's.......

Rod Barman rodb at
Thu Oct 13 14:48:12 GMT 1994

According to a Moto engineer who should know on the hc11 list, Moto is 
having problems with the EEPROM retention on `F333 and the HC16 variant.
I would suggest using a '332 (available, I bought 15 of the early mask version
cheap for CA$27each), an SPI ADC, and flash memory.   I'm working on a couple
different '332 projects here at work.  I think it would be great to design a
'332 based FI (oops, powertrain controller) board.    Anybody care to spec
it out?

8 injector drivers (2 X MC33293)
4 coil drivers (?)
Octal Serial Switch (MC33298)


Rod Barman, IRIS NCE @ Laboratory for Computational Intelligence, 
University of British Columbia
rodb at

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