Answer to: What is a kernel?
John S Gwynne
Thu Oct 27 19:20:49 GMT 1994
In message <m0r0ULp-000CwuC at> , you write:
| I'm taking Operating Systems right now, just went over semaphores a few
| weeks ago. We were "told" that semaphore operations (P & V) are pretty
| expensive respect to cpu cycles. Is that a problem in the real world,
| or is it insiginificant compred to the number of spare CPU cycles
| we've got nowadays (with respect to EFI controllers :)?
ok, I just wanted to use the ADC and semaphore as an example of what the
kernel could do for you. It's one approach I'm considering. Another approach
is to have a remote 68hc8111e2 that will fire data back to the EFI86k over a
serial line. It would be used for the slower changing parameters like air temp,
coolant temp, etc.. My motivation here is the reduction of wires; put the
68hc811 under the hood and the EFI68k in the passenger compartment or trunk
(some place not as hostile). Just another thought to kick around.
As far as semaphores go, the file on the server has all
the timing information for RTEMS.
for the 68020 at 20MHz (time in micro-sec): (EFI69k is 20/12 longer)
semaphore_create 38
semaphore_ident 77
semaphore_delete 49
available 33
not available - no_wait 33
not available -- block 85
semaphore release
no waiting task 35
task readied - returns to caller 56
task readied - preempts caller 75
I will incorporate a timer in my version of EFI69k to measure execution times
of the EFI software. From this we can due a scheduling analysis.
John S Gwynne
Gwynne.1 at
T h e O h i o - S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y
ElectroScience Laboratory, 1320 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA
Telephone: (614) 292-7981 * Fax: (614) 292-7292
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