DIY_EFI archive

Robert Fridman fridman at
Tue Apr 4 21:26:46 GMT 1995

> Is there a diy_efi archive that I can download?  I am a new subscriber, and 
> would like to read past notes so I become familiar with past topics.

If you have access to a WWW viewer, try
Its the diy_efi www site.

If not, then send mail to Majordomo at with the words
"index diy_efi" as the body of the message.  This will return all available articles.
Then use "get diy_efi <article you want>" to retrieve it from the mail server.


Robert Fridman			fridman at
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta		voice (403) 220-5104
Canada				fax   (403) 284-4707

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