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Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at
Fri Jan 6 19:22:57 GMT 1995

tsakiris at Wrote:
|| The advantage to MAF is that the computer can automatically adapt to engine 
|| modifications like a less restrictive exhaust or heads that flow better, 
|| right?  SD requires that the volumetric efficiency table be updated any 
|| mods are done to the engine
|This is true, but only at steady-state.  During (air flow) transients a value 
| for volumetric efficiency is still needed if you are trying to account for 
| first-order intake manifold dynamics.
| Tony

Interesting -- can you elaborate further?  Suction through the MAF sensor 
"seems" pretty steady, although I imagine there is quite a lot of turbulence 
further down in the manifold.  What dynamics do you need to account for?


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