Off-idle stumble resulting from ported EGR
John T Stein
Thu Jun 1 15:26:34 GMT 1995
> lusky at (Jonathan R. Lusky) Wrote:
> |
> |
> | Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at writes:
> | > I've seen this exact problem in two '86 4x4 S-10 blazers (3.8
> | v6?) and an '88
> | > corsica (also 3.8 v6?). I never thought it was related, but
> | now I wonder.
> | > This probably belongs on, but since someone else
> | brought it up,
> | > I thought I'd offer my piece. Anyway, the symptom is
> | hesitation just off
> | > idle. Give it a little more throttle and it is cured, but it
> | persists as long
> | > as the the throttle is held barely open. It is a feature on
> | the corsica
> | > (had the problem since new), may be a bug or feature on the
> | blazers, since
> | > they were used by the time I drove them.
> |
> | Hmmm, 86 & 88 GM 2.8 V6? Don't those have the infamous GM MAF disease?
> | If so, you need to the update PROM that converts the EFI over to speed
> | density.
> |
> | --
> | Jonathan R. Lusky lusky at
> | (615) 726-8700
I don't think the problem was MAF-related, or even unique to FI
engines, the '83 2.8 L V6 on which I first saw the problem had a
carburator (remember those??).
Also, the stumble appeared to be a transient issue, if one held the throttle
static just "off idle" the engine would stumble but eventually get its act together.
It was almost as if the EGR valve "overshot", over-diluting the
fuel / air mixture when confronted with the sudden
application of vacuum when the throttle plate first uncovered the
EGR. port and eventually settled to a stable point which did not
over-dilute the mixture.
Does this mechanism sound reasonable? If so, anyone have suggestions to
correct it, short of putting the EGR under ECM control. A restriction
in the EGR vacuum feed (a pneumatic low-pass) is not a contender as
the EGR valve has an internal vacuum bleed.
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