O2 Sensors

David Smith SMITHY at adacel.com.au
Thu Mar 9 05:22:44 GMT 1995

lusky at knuth.mtsu.edu (Jonathan R. Lusky) writes:
> ....  Almost all cars use zirconia sensors ....

Hi to you all.

I've been lurking around this list for a while and have read some very 
interesting information about engine management systems.  My 
immediate interest lies in modifying the EMS on my own car - a 
Nissan Skyline GTR that is powered by a twin-turbo in-line six.  This 
car was only sold in Japan and Australia so information is scarce.  
The EMS seems to have some bugs and deliberate limits in it that 
mean that the car doesn't run so well under some conditions.  
Apparently the car responds well to fairly simple EMS program 
changes.  Being a software/electronics engineer, I want to delve into 
the EMS myself.

On to my questions.  I want to install an O2 monitor.  The training 
manual for the car says that "... the O2 sensor is made of ceramic 
Titania that drastically alters its resistance at the ideal air fuel ratio.  
The ECU supplies the sensor with approx 1 volt and reads the sensor 
output voltage..."  Is this sensor different to the Zirconia sensor 
mentioned above? If so, what are the characteristics?

Does anyone have any information on the CONSULT 
diagnostic system used by the EMS in late model Nissans?


David Smith.

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