[announce] 68332 based ECM (efi332)
Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at bangate.compaq.com
Steve=Ravet%Prj=Eng%PCPD=Hou at bangate.compaq.com
Mon Mar 13 23:21:47 GMT 1995
John S Gwynne <jsg at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu> Wrote:
| This is an announcement of work in-progress toward creating
| an engine controller based on the 68332.
| A few weeks ago Rod Barman posted of his intent of designing
| such a controller, and (after much persuasion :) ) has my
| support in that I am now willing to help design, build, test,
| and write software towards its completion. We are looking for
| others who are willing to do the same. To facilitate this
| goal and avoid overcrowding diy_efi with detailed design
| issues, a second mailing list has been created. The new
| mailing list "efi332" is dedicated to discussion of project
| specific requirements. (Topics not specifically related
| to efi332 should still be directed to diy_efi. Cross-posting
| is an option when appropriate.) I invite all of you who
| wish to *contribute* or build this project to subscribe to
| the mailing list "efi332 at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu" (send
| "subscribe efi332" in the body of the email).
I think the idea of a group project is great, but I question whether a
separate list is really needed. I would guess the average traffic on this
list is about 4 messages a day, that isn't really overwhelming. Anyway, I'll
join the new list, but I'd say the traffic is better left in diy_efi. This
group has about the highest signal to noise ratio of any group I've joined. As
long as the additional traffic is still signal and not noise I wouldn't mind
seeing it even if I didn't plan on using the '332.
just my pov.
| With that said, I would like to invite Rod to summarize the
| status and goals of efi332.
yes, please!
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