I-O capture W/Fluke Scopemeter
robert dingli
r.dingli at ee.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Mar 21 00:33:33 GMT 1995
> Hello,
> Fluke is advertising soft & hardware to connect the 97 scopemeter to a PC. More
> details unknown. Is this just an interface to the FO printer output, or a way
> to control the scopemeter? Could be a great way to log at least 2 D or A inputs
> or outputs while driving. Anyone familiar with this package?
> Eric Elliott
I was lucky enough to realize how usefull the PM97 would be a couple of years
ago. Looking back, I wouldn't bother doing any EFI work without one. I
bought the RS232 optical interface and have used it to print out waveforms
and to log data. I didn't spend the then many hundreds of dollars for the
Phillips PC software. The RS232 adaptor comes with a hefty instruction
manual (which is incidently bigger than the PM97 manual) which explains
how to send and recieve commands. It's all quite basic.
Phillips also advertise an 'automotive kit' which basically includes lots
of nice sensors such as inductive pickups. I don't think that there
is any software changes but if there was I would be happy to find out
about them. I'd like to duplicate the multiple high tension signals
that you average workshop oscilliscope can display.
Robert Dingli r.dingli at ee.mu.oz.au
Power and Control Systems Thermodynamics Research Lab
Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
(+613) 344 7966 (+613) 344 6728
University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3052, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
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