Thank for great list and some ideas.
Sven-Erik Tiberg
set at
Sun May 21 10:25:28 GMT 1995
Thank you all for a really great list.
You have given me a lot of great advises during the past weeks Iv'e been a
subscriber as;
Data Logging acclelerometers.
Where Lou Fastini and Jeff Benagh told us about the $10-20 Analog
Devices ADXL05 accelerometer. I will use them in semi automatic
suspension for seats in rail road trains. Those are a lot cheaper than our
Adress list;
David Nelsson list about micro computers pages. Gave me a lot of tools
to Motorola 68322 computers that I'm using for robot control.
Processing Power;
Jens Knickmeyer advise about the CAN-www-page. this are a great
help for me in the previous mentioned projects.
Thanks everone for your comments, your knowledge can't be found in
I would like to send some ideas that maybee could be of any help for you.
1- to Lauwrence E. Piekarski about tire pressure monitoring;
we where investigating the tire vibrations vs. tirepressure back in
-79-80 and found that there was a steep slope in it's PSD at 100Hz.
This slope decreased in frequency with the tyrepressure and was not dependabe
on the tyre dimenssion or type. On trucks the slope occured at 60 Hz and
behaved the same way.
The con was that the vibration was exited by unevenes in the tarmac and
lasted for a few seconds. The project was closed beacuse one criteria was
to monitor every 5 seconds. We intended to use the same technique to
monitor suspension and ABS, but as the primary criteria wasn't fulfilled we
didn't go further with this.
2- a discussion with Jim Buchanan at Delco, who introdused me to this list,
about a DFI- device I tested at the same time.
The idea was to have a small cup with wather and lead a high energy spark
trough it. The spark would go trough the wather and the spark would
waporice it under high pressure. This would probably work for petrol and
diesel too, as at least petrol are hygroscopic.
My idea was to fill a cup with an ordinary low pressure pump while the
injector are closed.
Open the injector by a coil 50 degr before tdc.
The sparks timing and modulation to give the right mixture.
50 degr after tdc the injector are closed again and refilled.
The trick to modulare sparks seems to be solved today.
So I have to make the the mechanical layout again. Thanks to you Jim.
3- About butterfly throttles.
I tryed to a diffrent type of "area restrictor" some times ago. It was an
ordinary tube that on the inside had a rubbertube. And as I filled the area
between the outer solid tube and the inner rubber tube with oil. The
opening for the cross_flow_air decreased. The shape of the innertube was
formed by the air pressure/flow.
In the centre of the inner tube there was a small tube feeding the fuel.
The fuel feed tube has to be appr 1/2 the diameter of the outer tube to
make it possible to effectivly close the air for idle speed. The pro are
you will have a nice flowpattern and the fuel will always be feeded in the
middle of the air flow. The con are that a butterfly will make a turbulent
airflow and help the air/fuel mixture. But if you are using a modern CI the
fuel will be spread trough the air.
As these ideas have been laying on my desk for 15 y or more it's better
that someone can use them or tell me why they can be of any use, than me
sitting on them.
--- Best Greatings ---
* Sven-Erik Tiberg
* Div. of Energy Enginnering
* Dep. of Mechanical Enginnering
* Lulea Univ. of Technology SWEDEN
* email set at
* phone +46 920 91218
* fax +46 920 91047
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