RE familia turbo..
Craig Pugsley
c.pugsley at
Thu Nov 16 01:57:41 GMT 1995
Hi Warren,
Sorry - can't help with your computer question
> finally, i'm thinking of developing a 'black box' to replace my flap-type
> air flow meter with map, air temp, rpm, and throttle sensors.
Hmm.. I was thinking of doing this too.. I have a multichannel data
aquisition system that runs on a PC and I hope to hook up a flap AFM
sensor and a MAP sensor (as well as temp & RPM) and plot some curves of
MAP vs FLAP :-) with a veiw to building such a box.
With any luck FLAP = MAP x RPM x Constant & build with a few op-amps.
Otherwise will have to use a microcontroller with calibration tables to
correctly relate the two.
HKS make a box that does this BTW..
Please keep DIY_EFI informed of any success.
> is it worth
> the trouble of developing such a system for the performance gain of removing
> the maf restriction in a 1600 turbo???
Debatable. Might only be worth 5-10hp (at a guess). FLAP AFMs have an
advantage in that they automatically compensate for bigger exhausts etc
that change volumetric efficiency, whereas MAP need to be recalibrated.
In a closed loop self learning computer this isn't a big drama usually.
(actually I wonder if this is why virtually all EFI before the Mid 80s
was Flap AFM based)
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