DIY_EFI abilities and older engines

Daniel R Burk ws6transam at
Thu Nov 23 17:02:50 GMT 1995

>If we get more people actively working on the efi332 project we could
>all build a cheap EFI system on a quality PCB with ignition,
>sequential injection, traction control, data logging, etc.
>When the basic system is finalised it should actually be *easier* to 
>program the EFI332 than your average 8 bit micro (IMHO).
>***** That final comment was not intended to spark up the 
>8bit vs 32bit vs assembler vs c debate :) ***** 
>Andrew Dennison - Research Associate
>CIM Centre - Swinburne University
>PO Box 218 Hawthorn Victoria 3122 Australia
>Phone: +61 3 9214 8296 Fax: +61 3 9819 4949

Andrew:  Since I am new, what is this EFI332 project you mention?  I'll give
it a look and see!


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