DIY_EFI abilities and older engines

thomas walter x5955 walter at
Tue Nov 28 14:31:39 GMT 1995

> >I do 
> >have a microprpcessor unit made by a company which is no longer in business 
> >( which may not bode well for my system but we'll see...) it is based on the 
> >Hitachi 64180 (a z80 clone??) it has 24 I/O lines with an 8 input A/D 
> >convertor on board as well as the ability to burn eproms.

64180 (Z180 clone) is a neat little controller. Basically a Z80 software
compatible uC that can bank address up to 1Meg of memory. Built in refresh
for DRAM, etc.  There were a series of BYTE articles dealing with 64180
uC (1986???). MicroMint (the Circuit Cellar Ink 'retail store') sells those
boards and a BASIC compilier (in ROM). Neat little board, and the Basic
allowed multiple task to be performed. Worth a look. Might fit your task
quite well (limited time to get his Corvair up and running... )

> >have are: how much will I have to worry about ignition noise ( I plan on 
> >leaving the current timing setup alone that will have to be dealt with 
> >outside of my project)

I would start with a METAL enclosure! ;-)

Think of each lead into and outout the box as path for noise that needs
to be filtered. Hmm, really need to put together a FAQ for HOMEBUILT
EFI construction tips. [My senior project write up was something like
70 pages... yech, too wordy! It was a 8085 based controller for Time
* Speed * Distance Rally's - Cal Poly 1983!]


Tom Walter
Austin, TX.

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