Those who doubted!

MTaylorfi at MTaylorfi at
Wed Nov 29 07:41:04 GMT 1995


About half a year ago, I was pretty hot and heavy into DIY_EFI.  I was told
that I could not get a Motorola HC11 microcontroller to control the fuel
distribution to an engine.  I was told the memory wasn't be enough.  GOOD
THING I DIDN'T LISTEN TO THEM!!!  Two weekends ago, 11/18, I stuck my boat,
'71 Starbuck, powered by a PORT FUEL INJECTED 350 small block Chevy.
 Throttle response was awsome and mid to top end was doin' great!!  The idle
was rough, need to figure out an optimal oxygen sensor voltage.  To the
doubters, I only used the EEPROM of the HC11 (450 of the 512 bytes of memory,
and I haven't touched the 4K of EPROM.  Don't doubt me again!)

To those interested, I used a Chevy 305/350 Mass Airflow Sensor, an Oxygen
sensor and the Motorola HC11 chip.

See ya,

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