Reply to Cilff Ducharme [not private]

ducharme at ducharme at
Thu Oct 5 11:55:52 GMT 1995

Your use of my email address did work!  I thought I might be an odd sock on the
DIY_EFI post, but apparently not as there are others out there as well.

Currently, I'm pursuing the aircraft EFI as a thesis project, but in the future,
I'm considering the possibility of building either a homebuilt or ultralight.

The system that I'll be prototyping will probably incorporate some redundancy,
either by dual parallel controllers or a master/slave arrangement with failover.
Whether or not I will ever get to a mature configuration is anybody's guess.

As far as skills are concerned, I am an accomplished machinist, have operated,
designed and built test facilities for engines and transmissions, have several
years experience as a software developer, and 0 cockpit hours, although I've
flown RC for a dozen years and have designed and built scores of models. 

As far as test facilities are concerned, my garage is it for now, although if
I were to get into it further, a dyno stand would be the next step ( just takes
time and $$, I have the skills to put it together).  The next logical prototype
would be a VW or Rotax 912, although the Subaru is gaining popularity, and some
guy even converted a Yamaha Virago motocycle engine (Kitplanes 10/95). 

Cliff Ducharme 

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