Modifying O2 output

Jens Knickmeyer knick at
Thu Sep 28 10:37:44 GMT 1995


>   I think I remember reading somewhere (this list?  the hotrod list?) 
> that one way to get a little bit more liniarity out of an 02 sensor is to 
> apply (something like) 0.6 v to it and measure the current into or out of 
> it.  I also seem to remember seeing a circuit that will switch a load 

>From a WWW page about O2 sensors, I got the following information:

--> start of quotation <--

     Almost always, the answer is no.  You must be careful to not
     *apply* voltage to the sensor, but measuring it's output voltage
     is not harmful.  As noted by other posters, a cheap voltmeter
     will not be accurate, but will cause no damage.  This is *not*
     true if you try to measure the resistance of the sensor.
     Resistance measurements send voltage into a circuit and check the
     amount returning.

--> end of quotation <--

So Steven's input confuses me a bit. May I apply voltage to an O2 sensor
or not? Any inputs welcome.


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