thermocouples and mixture & smelly cats

Brad Martin btm at
Sun Apr 14 00:39:53 GMT 1996

At 09:49 AM 4/13/96 -0600, you wrote:
>At 23:33 4/12/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>If the rotten eggs smell is Sulfer Dioxide
> The rotten egg odor is ..
> H S
>  2     also called Hydrogen Sulfide!!
> NOT Sulfur Dioxide, which smells like burned match heads
> and forms SulfurOUS (not IC) acid H S0 with water
>                                    2  3              
> Jim

Hey Jim-
Thanks for the correction...
FWIW, I am no chemist.  In fact, I've taken but one chemistry course, and
squeaked by with a D-...

I think the saying: "better to remain silent & thought a fool, then open
your mouth and remove all doubt" applies here.

Humble regards-
Brad Martin
(The Hacker)
 '92 Subaru SVX
 '84 VW Rabbit GTI ex-PRO Rally car, now all 'round racer/beater
 '83 VW Rabbit GTI PRO Rally Car wannabe - hillclimbs too
 '81 VW Scirocco S street car TBD
 '79 VW Scirocco ice racer

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