type of eprom

Brian Warburton, c/o Turbo Systems Ltd bwarb at turbo.win-uk.net
Mon Apr 15 01:32:34 GMT 1996

>It's from a fiesta Rs turbo '90
>Do you know the pinout?
>greg at compulink.gr

Peter is right, it is a "unique-to-Ford" 32k EPROM. Just to expand
on that a little more, when I say "unique-to-Ford", it was my
understanding that normal EPROM programmers could not be configured
to read/write them. Ford buy their EPROM programmers from Data-IO
with special adapters which are not available to the general
public, they are only available to Ford as are the devices
themselves. I also seem to recall that the EPROMs have more
little-tricks/differences inside than just non-standard power/GND
pins. The Ford M-Bus is a wierd and wonderful beast, it must have
been designed by committee ....... 

While consulting for Ford, I actually wrote the majority of the
EEC-iv software that runs the RS-Fiesta Turbo. Out of interest, what
are you trying to do ? 

Brian Warburton,   "Still searching for the perfect curve....."
email: bwarb at turbo.win-uk.net
                               Advanced Automotive Electronics Ltd,
                               Van-Nuys House, Scotlands Drive,
                               Farnham Common, England.  SL2-3ES

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