Ignition questions & the Nat semi Injector driver

Doug Rorem rorem at cherokee.eecs.uic.edu
Mon Apr 15 02:59:12 GMT 1996


Well this art isn't much better, but here's where you want to place
your fast recovery diode (switches on from a reverse bias condition
very quickly).. This provides a path for the current to keep flowing
in the coil after the transistor turns off [the coil wants to keep current
constant]. Without something like this, the coil can create very large
voltages and cause the transistor to break down.

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Doug Rorem
University of Illinois at Chicago         (312)-996-5439  [voice]
EECS Department  RM 1120                  (312)-413-1065  [fax]
851 S. Morgan Street                      (708)-996-2226  [pager]
Chicago, IL 60607-7053                    rorem at uic.edu

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