MCS48 cross-assembler?

Chuck Mancuso chuckm at
Tue Apr 23 04:09:22 GMT 1996

At 17:23 4/22/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>From: cmorris at (Charles)
>>Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 07:27:15 -0700
>>Subject: MCS48 cross-assembler?
>>I'm in the process of building an additional injector controller, which 
>>uses an Intel 8748 microprocessor. Since hand-coding is a real PITA, 
>>does anyone know where I can find an assembler which runs on a PC?
>>- -Charles
>TASM is a great assembler package for both 8x48 and 8x51 series hardware.
>It is downloadable for free via circuit cellar at 203 871-1988.  Circuit Cellar
>does have a website ( but they don't have those files
>available for ftp yet, so you'll have to call their direct board.
>Good luck on the controller...
>Donald Whisnant
>dewhisna at

You can also get it from this URL:

It's version 3.0, about 142K.

||   Chuck Mancuso       ||     i                      i    ||
||   AEC Control Systems ||    {|}                    {|}   ||
||   Sandpoint, ID USA   ||   {{|}}                  {{|}}  ||
||   chuckm at     ||  {((|))}                {((|))} ||
||                       || {{{{|}}}}              {{{{|}}}}||
||                       || ____|______________________|____|| 

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