EGT for feedback

Michael T. Kasimirsky mtk at
Thu Aug 1 12:16:06 GMT 1996

I'm new to the list and to the whole DIY-EFI thing in general.  All the 
recent talk of O2 sensors has got me wondering about another source of 
combustion feedback.  Has anyone tried using exhaust gas temperature for 
fine-tuning the intake mixture?  It would seem to me that you could lean 
the mixture to increase EGT or richen to lower EGT.  If you'd done some 
initial tuning with a gas analyzer to determine an optimum temp, this 
would work.  Any thoughts?

Michael T. Kasimirsky       ---->              mtk at
Days:    Staff Engineer                     or mk4u at
         ASTM Test Monitoring Center		Phi Gamma Delta,
Nights:  1992 Suzuki GSX-R750 Pilot		NRA Life Member, AMA Member
         1991 Suzuki GSF400 Bandit Mechanic	DoD #1848

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