Zero Emissions Vehicle (was Electric Veh.)

RD Rick rickydik at
Mon Aug 19 14:15:10 GMT 1996

Brewer wrote: 
>Let's just cut all the crap about a ZEV.  It is nothing more than
>enviro-wacko induced, government mandated, Barbera Streisand...
>So the term "Zero Emissions Vehicle" is a LIE.  They ought
>to be called "Remote Emissions Vehicles" (REV) since they just shift 
the>emissions point to another location...

>Even if you get a REV with decent efficiency *after* you get the cells
>charged, what can be said about transmission line losses from the 
power>company to your humble abode?  Are these losses factored in to 
the>efficiency ratings?  Are we going to use solar power to charge 
these>babies?  Let's not forget wer're home AT NIGHT!  

Well put.  You neglected to mention the waste of hauling a half ton of 
batteries that aren't otherwise needed.  Those make for heavier tires, 
brakes, etc., ad infinitum.  Don't forget the hazmat spills.  Imagine 
the headlines, "Child eaten by battery acid."

>This may seem a flame but dang it- government mandate is the absolute 
>worst>way to do anything.  

Usually yes.  However, we could not even buy cars equipped with 
seatbelts before their mandate.  Smog laws have helped, also.

>This whole REV debate is so shot full of holes from
>merely a practical standpoint that the whole thing needs to be 
>scrapped along with the politicians who backed it.


Every fourth person in the world lives in China.  When they all get 
motorbikes, it will be an ecological disaster.  When they all try to 
buy cars, the price of oil will skyrocket.

    Invest in oil stocks or oil wells.
    Strive for really efficient personal transportation, which is what  
      we all want.
  Mass transit is like car insurance:  everybody wants the other guy to 
    have it.  

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