EGO Sensors and linearity
Land Shark
lndshrk at
Tue Aug 20 19:49:14 GMT 1996
At 02:33 PM 8/20/96 EDT, you wrote:
>If you look at the math involved with understanding the output of an O2 sensor,
>I can't BELIEVE that you can make a claim that you will be able to determine an
>A/F from the output (even with Temp.) You would need to know the proportions
>of exhaust gas components at every temperature (including SPECIES of SOx, NOx
>etc.) in order to make that claim. I am tired of reading this garbage. Anyone
>have any science to back themselves up???
Yeah .. I do .. how about internal BOSCH memos and cal docs on their LSM-11
sensor ..
Put the dammed electrochemical textbooks away .. this is the REAL world, not
the bloody lab!!
If you have a (basically) known composition fuel (gasoline, known C/H ratio) you
can then linearize the sensor .. even better, the LSM-11 sensor is a carefully
built sensor which is constant from sensor to sensor ..
If it's good enough for Bosch Motorsport, it had BETTER be good enough for you!
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