Data Logging

David Crocombe david at abc.GOV.AU
Thu Aug 22 11:36:50 GMT 1996

>> If the engine is in a car, all you need is a stopwatch, a tach, a tape
>> recorder, and a hill.

> Why not use some kind of data logger connected to the tachometer (or
> speedometer),
> a spreadsheet program and  a straight road? Out of this info, you would
> easily be able to calculate the power with a good enough precision.
> Anyone who has tried to build such a logger?

>    /Jonas

One of my long term aims is to produce an engine data logging system.
I am at the early learning stages at the moment.

I thought by reading this list I would pick up some ideas.

So I would measure the same things as EFI systems, only log the results
instead of using it to do EFI. I am thinking of using an accelerometer
as well.

Another interest is to add to the above system a control for nitrous 
oxide injection. 

Not quite the normal EFI, but EFI none the less.


David Crocombe.

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