injector duty cycles
Mark Eidson
mark.eidson at
Fri Dec 6 20:10:48 GMT 1996
Do you think the the Chrysler products are mesuring the fuel line pressure
and compensating the injector pulse width accordingly? me
At 12:31 PM 12/6/96 -0800, you wrote:
>tom cloud wrote:
>> >I noticed that my fuel injected 75 280Z has a fuel pressure regulator that
>> >is controlled by manifold pressure. I assume that this compensates for
>> >presssure differential across the injectors. Has anyone made a system that
>> >uses an ECU controlled fuel pressure regulator to compensate for the wide
>> >range from idle to WOT? me
>> The Ford EFI also varies the injector pressure -- don't remember how.
>> Tom Cloud <cloud at>
>Every port injection system I remember from the big three have a vacuum
>operated fuel pressure regulator. The exception may be some of the new
>Chrysler products with no fuel return line.
>Best Regards, Mazda
* Mark Eidson Voice: (602)752-6513 *
* Staff Design Engineer Fax: (602)752-6000 *
* Manager System Integration and *
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* VLSI Technology, Inc. *
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