Check out the new diy_efi / efi332 web site!
tom cloud
cloud at
Tue Dec 17 13:40:04 GMT 1996
P-L-E-A-S-E turn off the text encoding !!
>From: Johnny
>Sent: Monday, December 16, 1996 2:14 PM
>To: diy_efi at
>Subject: Re: Check out the new diy_efi / efi332 web site!
>> From: Peter Shoebridge <peter at>
>> Looks pretty good, perhaps you should have a go at the diy_efi and efi332
>> web pages....
>Peter, those ARE the diy_efi and efi332 web pages!!! Am I missing
>something here?
>I meant these pages:
>> I was away this weekend, so I haven't had a chance to test out the
>> gnu-win32 b17 cross-compile tools. Should get to that tonight (yeah
>> right!!!).
>Sounds great. Keep us posted on how it goes. Although, I have to admit, the
>more I play with Linux, the more I like it. ;-)
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Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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