Freon hoax
renko at
renko at
Thu Dec 19 17:12:42 GMT 1996
At 09:03 AM 12/19/96 -0600, you wrote:
>>From: "Harvest Trust" <harvest at>
>>Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 11:23:35 -0700
>>Subject: CAJI! No freon ban in Arizona
>>There is NO freon ban in Arizona. We proved to our state legislators that
>>the ozone holes are a hoax and that freon could not possibly be destroying
>>the ozone in the "ionosphere" (correct name as there is NO ozone layer).
>>And that the so-called ozone holes over the pole experiencing winter each
>>winter at each pole are really not holes at all but rather a place where
>>sunlight is not interacting with the oxygen in the atmosphere to produce
>>ozone during the 6 months of darkness. The little sunlight that manages to
>>hit the extreme upper atmosphere where there is little oxygen produces only
>>a small amount ot ozone and thus there "seems" to be a hole. You can do
>>the same in your state if you ban together and kick up the dust.
>>By the way... my radio broadcast was the first in the world to expose the
>>ozone hoax with scientific fact in 1992.
>>William Cooper
>Tom Cloud <cloud at>
The fact of the matter still remains: CFC's destroy ozone molecules.
Showing trends at the poles of the planet may not be the best way of
measuring it because of compounding or interfering effects. It is my
understanding that each CFC molecule from a R12 based freon can destroy
100,000 ozone molecules.
Since I work on older cars I find the Halon ban of 96 to be a nuisance.
However I still believe that it was for the good of our environment.
John Renko
Helser 2631 Elwood
Ames, IA. 50012-0002
(515) 296-5502
renko at
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