Freon hoax
SRavet at
SRavet at
Thu Dec 19 17:49:58 GMT 1996
cloud at (tom cloud) Wrote:
| >From: "Harvest Trust" <harvest at>
| >Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 11:23:35 -0700
| >Subject: CAJI! No freon ban in Arizona
| >
| >There is NO freon ban in Arizona. We proved to our state legislators
| >the ozone holes are a hoax and that freon could not possibly be
| >the ozone in the "ionosphere" (correct name as there is NO ozone layer).
| >And that the so-called ozone holes over the pole experiencing winter
| >winter at each pole are really not holes at all but rather a place where
| >sunlight is not interacting with the oxygen in the atmosphere to produce
| >ozone during the 6 months of darkness. The little sunlight that manages
| >hit the extreme upper atmosphere where there is little oxygen produces
| >a small amount ot ozone and thus there "seems" to be a hole. You can do
| >the same in your state if you ban together and kick up the dust.
| >
| >By the way... my radio broadcast was the first in the world to expose
| >ozone hoax with scientific fact in 1992.
| >
| >William Cooper
| >
The Arizona legislature passed a law legalizing the production of R-12, and
the governor signed it into law, but I don't believe that anyone has
started manufacturing it, and I don't know what the implications would be
since it's a treaty signed by the national government that banned R-12 in
the first place (Montreal protocol). You can bet that if Dupont or another
company started manufacturing R-12 or other CFCs, the EPA would be on them
like a duck on a junebug. I don't know whether the state would aid in
their defense or not. I think it's really more of a symbolic gesture than
anything else.
As far as the hole over the antarctic, lack of sunlight does not cause the
hole. sunlight both creates and destroys ozone, so a lack of sunlight
basically freezes the process, neither creating or destroying ozone. That
said, the EPA has gone way overboard, regulating replacements for R-12
based on flammability concerns and other things that (IMO) aren't
"environmental" issues. BUT, it's cheap, easy, and fun to roll your own
refrigerants using common hydrocarbons (propane and iso-butane). It's also
legal due to silly loopholes in the Clean Air Act. This isn't EFI related,
so for more information please see the R-12 FAQ located at
Steve Ravet
sravet at
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