Diagnostic Information - OBD-II
Peter Shoebridge
peter at aspenres.com
Mon Dec 30 18:01:03 GMT 1996
I believe all new cars sold in the US have to comply with OBD-II. I don't
have the pin-outs but there is an SAE doc (HS-3000/96) which specifies all
the OBD-II stuff. It is available direct from SAE (check www.sae.org), it's
$79. OBD-II is based on SAE J1850 serial bus protocol. As far as I can tell
although all manufacturers implement the same basic messages, there is
plently of room for each to use custom messages making a universal scan
tool a pipe dream.....
From: Felix Homburg
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 1996 11:04 AM
To: DIY_EFI at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Diagnostic Information - OBD-II
I would like to know a little bit more about OBD-II. I'm from Europe and
for the
cars in Europe it's not law to have OBD-II. Do all the new cars in the U.S.
a compatible connector for OBD-II. Does anyone have the pinout and the
of this connector?
Are the scan-tools for OBD-II for all cars the same or does a garage use
different scan-tools for different cars?
I'm working on diagnostic system for VW/Audi and I'd like to include the
protocol so it would be interesting for me to get a little bit more
about that.
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