MAP Questions...

Jim Staff staffj at
Mon Feb 12 22:30:48 GMT 1996

    Well, now that I know a ton about MAF. I came to a great revolation. I 
checked the minimum air flow specs and I'm not even close to the turn on flow at
full power!!!!!
    So much for the power of a briggs and stratton. But a MAP sensor is the next
bet, or any Barametric Pressure Sensor. Does anyone know of any good ones?
    What are the dimesions of you average MAP? <asking for something like 
hieght, width, etc>
    What is the output type, and range? <Analog voltage,frequency,PWM etc> 
Analog Prefered of course.
    Lastly how exactly can it tell me how much air is flowing in the engine?

                     Jim Staff

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