Intake runner sizing..

Corey Cole colec at
Wed Feb 21 16:41:49 GMT 1996

On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Craig Pugsley wrote:

> Hi,
> A semi-efi qn on a forthcoming carb-efi conversion..
> I have a Mazda 13B street port that I am planning to EFI, and am
> wondering about intake runner length/diameter characteristics for max
> torque/max power.
> Is it true that the longer a runner the lower in RPM the torque peak
> will be? If that's the case should the primarys be long and the
> secondarys short?
I have a QuattroPro spreadsheet that calculates at what RPM the peak will 
occur, but I think we may have a problem applying it to a rotary...It 
requires things like Bore, Stroke, CR, etc.  I think in general, the 
longer pipe will resonate at lower frequencies and a smaller pipe at high 
frequencies (at least it's that way on a recip).  I'll see if I can't 
find a source that maybe (big maybe) converts the equations into 
something useable by rotaries.

 Corey Cole					colec at
 '65 Skylark
"Knowledge is power...but cubic inches help."		Go #24!!!!!
I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison
and I went to pick her up in the rain.
But before I could get to the station in my pick up truck,
she got runned over by the darned old train...
						David Allen Coe
						Steve Goodman

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