Turbo Lag & superchargers..
Craig Pugsley
c.pugsley at trl.telstra.com.au
Tue Feb 27 00:20:13 GMT 1996
> I wonder if you aimed a little compressed air jet at the impeller (so you
> wouldn't be cooling the turbine side), and just gave a little blast of air
> when the throttle tipped in.
I wondered about this too, like have an air tank in the trunk filled by
a small 12V compressor, and a 1/2 inch air line to the turbo with a
solenoid valve to dump all the tank into the turbo (like pointing a
water hose at a bicycle pedal).
> Even more years ago, there was a deal about variable inlet scrolls.
> Wouldn't that be something - variable inlet vanes under electronic
> DIY_EFI control?
Err, another innovation from the rotary world- 13B turbos have had 'twin
scroll' exhaust profiles, selected by a vacuum controlled flap since 1986
(or was it 1987??)
Re the electric motor powered supercharger, on RX7 club a 'CVT drive'
was suggested (ie power the supercharger from the crankshaft). I thought
you could use a '2-speed drive' similar to the following:
_____________ |\#/|
/ _______/. .\ |\#/|| # |
|. O_______. O .| | # || # |
| ... \.../ | # || # |=== To s/c input
| / | # || # |
| / |/#\|| # |
| / # |/#\|
| / # #
| / |\#/||\#/|
| / ]| # || # |
| / ]| # || # |
| ... / a/c clutch]| # || # |=== Idler wheel
|. ./ ]| # || # |
\___/ C ]| # || # |
'overspeed' 'Normal'
pulley pulley
The idea is that 'A' has a pawl arrangement for both belts and when the
a/c magnetic clutch is engaged this 'overspeeds' the normal pulley.
(However, I can get a complete 13B turbo engine for less than a 2nd hand
toyota supercharger so I canned this idea).
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