DIY_EFI Vendor List

dn dn at
Fri Jan 5 21:29:30 GMT 1996


> Attached to this note  is  a  self-extracting  zip  file  that  will
> produce  a  MS  Word  doccument named Vendor.Doc...Hopefully this will
> solve the format problems with the earlier list...

First, I  would  like  to  say that you haven't solved my problem.  My
mail system is a UNIX based OS that has  a  standard  mail  package.  
Problem is that it will not  accept  any  form  of  binary  attachment
unless it  is UUENCODED.  UUENCODing is supposed to be the norm on the
Internet, but with the proliferation of new software seems it is being  

Secondly, to the authors whose word processor doesn't end lines with a
CRLF, --- YER PISSIN' ME OFF! My mail  system  simply  crashes when it
receives a message with a line length of 3874 characters, and it takes
me an  hour to recover from it so's I can read my mail.  I don't know 
if I'm the only one with these problems.  If so, I'll shut up and wait
for a software upgrade.  Used to be, everyone was nice  and  stuck  to
the Internet standards, now it seems that you can ignore the rules and
damn the inconvenience to anybody else.  

Those are my thoughts, not yours


\/ Darrell A. Norquay                   Internet: dn at      /\
\/ Datalog Technology Inc.              Bang: calgary!debug!dlogtech!darrell /\
\/ Calgary, Alberta, Canada             Voice: +1 (403) 243-2220             /\
\/                                      Fax:   +1 (403) 243-2872             /\
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