SBC TPI manifold questions
FIScot at
FIScot at
Wed Jan 31 13:11:48 GMT 1996
Subj: SBC TPI manifold questions
Date: 96-01-30 22:30:57 EST
From: jsg at (John S Gwynne)
> Just a couple of quick question... I don't really want to buy a
> service manual for this car since I only have its manifold.
> Manifold: 89 Camaro TPI 305 w/ cold start injector
Check the year, 89 Camaro's did not use the cold start injector.
> Q) The EGR valve has what looks like a temperature sensor built into
> its base. How is that used?
It is used in EGR testing. It is mounted on the output side of the EGR
valve. If the EGR is on, it gets hot, and activates the switch, if the
EGR gets turned off, it cools, and deactivates. The EGR test checks
this for proper operation.
> Q) I've traced the idle air passages down through the base plate. Near
> the cold start injector there is a hose nipple. What attaches here?
> Does this tee-off to the MAP sensor which I assume is attached to
> the rear left nipple on the plenum?
The first mentioned nipple is for the PCV valve. Nothing else is
hooked to it. The MAP is connected to a nipple in the plenum. The
85-89 TPIs used a MAF sensor, so had no MAP provisions. The 90-92 used
MAP, and had a plenum that had a MAP sensor mount and nipple. Just use
a plenum nipple. (Personal opinion: MAF's are ugly.)
Are you going to use a MAP sensor? Do you have your VE table yet?
> Q) How did GM originally route the radiator bypass hoses? One through
> the throttle body then back to the block and a second to the heater?
The large nipple on the front of the throttle body is for the incoming
hot water out of the manifold. The throttle body exit did go to a
switch that was controlled by the HVAC system. Normally this would go
to the heater core, but the heater core is shut off during max A/C, and
the the switch keeps the throttle body warm at all times.
Scot Sealander FIScot at
HVAC - Heating, Ventilating, and Air conditioning
MAF - Mass AirFlow sensor
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor
TPI - Tuned Port Injection
VE - Volumetric efficiency
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