water injection questions

Darrell Norquay dnorquay at awinc.com
Tue Jul 23 05:45:27 GMT 1996

At 08:38 PM 7/21/96 -0700, you wrote:

>A lot of people mix Methanol (50/50) with the water.  Water alone will act
>to slow the combustion process; equivalent to raising the Octane rating
With Methanol, you have a more pronounced effect (The equivalent Octane
rating for Methanol is 105).

Try Acetone.  It works even better than methanol.  Mixes with water as well.
I used to run 25% methanol, 25% acetone, and 50% water.  Worked really well.
It was a little on the expensive side, though, turned out to be cheaper to
just run octane boost.

>If anybody tries this, be extremely careful.  If you forget to keep the tank
>filled and you don't have sophisticated controls to either tell you of this
>or to shut the advance curve down to stock when there is no injection taking
>place, you will cause yourself a problem....

Reminds me of the old Corvair Turbo Spyder's.  (Original application of the
"turbo" muffler).  They came from the factory with water injection, trouble
was everybody forgot to fill the reservoir.  That's one reason why they are
almost impossible to find anymore...

dnorquay at awinc.com

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