water injection questions

SRavet at bangate.compaq.com SRavet at bangate.compaq.com
Tue Jul 23 20:13:06 GMT 1996

atsakiri at ford.com Wrote:
| > How about running a hydrogen peroxide injection system?
| Just a cautious thought out of the blue (i.e. I don't know the
| answer) ... it might be a good idea to check on the corrosiveness
| first, especially if you have aluminum heads.  Any chemists out
| there?
| Anthony Tsakiris

This topic came up on the hotrod list some time ago.  the peroxide you buy 
in the store is too dilute to do any good.  Anything stronger is very 
corrosive.  Aparently peroxide was used as rocket fuel a long time ago.


Steve Ravet
sravet at bangate.compaq.com
Baby you're a genius when it comes to cooking up some chili sauce...

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