EFI control units

Fred Miranda fcmtb at ix.netcom.com
Wed Jul 24 15:01:08 GMT 1996

At 10:04 PM 7/23/96 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm very new here--just been reading this group for a couple of 
>weeks--and have a question or two on available control units.  I've been 
>sorting out what I think I need to convert Triumph six-cylinder to 
>digital FI, but have not yet found a control unit which seems to meet the 
>requirements I've set.  
>I'd like to find a controller with sequential injection and is also 
>programmable via laptop and can accept input from a domestic MAF sensor. 
>I realize many of the folks here are concerned with building their own 
>control units and doing much or all of their own programming, but I 
>simply don't have the time or test equipment for that sort of 
>Any suggestions?

Electromotive TEC2 and maybe Motec

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