MC3334 question
sandyg at
Thu Mar 7 18:33:33 GMT 1996
I called newark, and they are in stock, so they said.
At 07:42 AM 3/6/96 GMT, you wrote:
>could it be, Tim used circuit resistances instead of an actual resistor?
>I did some coil testing 2 weeks ago in which I scoped the voltage drop
>across a clip lead leading to the driver ground.
>> You could consider paralleling several smaller resistors to get the
>>required value. Let's see, this resistor would dissipate about 2.5 W @
>>6 A (I^2*R). You could parallel 4 X .1 ohm, 1W resistors (or 10 X .27 ohm
>>.5W) to give .025 ohm @ 4W (.027 ohm @ 5W), more than sufficient for the task.
>If you have good dwell control, the only time you'll approach these dissipation
>figures is at very high rpm when the duty cycle is highest.
>one last thing. does anyone know where to get the MC3334 (I could use 10-12)
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