The EFI project status

David Channon dchannon at
Thu Mar 28 07:02:33 GMT 1996

	Sorry but I am a very keen newbie to this group and I am
	interested in building the EFI project you are developing.
	I would like to know the status as the web page states that 
	the board will be ready this month. In addition, how do I
	place my name down to purchase the parts and board(s) etc etc
	as I assume you can arange a bulk purchase. Finally, can you
	tell me if the project EFI system is suited to a turbo
	application and what information (Books etc) cover EFI and
	turbos (I am grafting a duel turbo system to a 289/302W V8).

	Thanks in advance,

	Regards David.

ps: If this is not an appropriate place to ask these question please
    direct me to an appropriate forum.
 David Channon                                .-_|\
 Department of Computer Science              /     \
 The University of Newcastle                 \.--._/
 NSW, 2308, AUSTRALIA                             v
 Email : dchannon at 
 URL   :
"Virtual Memory is like an orgasm, It's better if you don't fake it!"
		-- S Cray

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