Off topic, but related subject matter... I know I know!!!
Jim Pearl
JVP at
Fri Mar 29 02:14:44 GMT 1996
Electromotive is the company that's currently working this!!! They're local
and in one of their latest catalogs I spotted this system being tested on a
VW motor. It's also been written up in Turbo magazine. It uses one of their
FI boxes to run it, pretty neat!
>From: Stephen Lamb[SMTP:lambs at]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 1996 11:09 PM
To: diy_efi at
Cc: Terry Faugno
Subject: Re: Off topic, but related subject matter...
> I've heard rumours that a company somewhere had developed a
>that replaces camshafts with computer controlled solenoids to actuate the
>valve train. Has anyone here heard the same, or know a logical point to
>start searching from? From a performance standpoint, one could program a
>limitless variety of "virtual camshaft" profiles, like Honda's VTEC, or
>of the available variable valve timing schemes. Only more so, as one is
>limited to 2 profiles.
I think it was Renault (?) that developed a pneumatically operated valve
system for their F1 engines some years back. Don't know much about it or
how successful it was.
Stephen Lamb
Dept. of Defence DSTO, AMRL
506 Lorimer Street
Fishermans Bend VIC 3207 Australia
Tel: +61 3 9626 7525
Fax: +61 3 9626 7089
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