New email list created for EEC discussion
tom cloud
cloud at
Fri Nov 15 13:05:58 GMT 1996
>Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 23:27:24 -0500 (EST)
>From: Paul Nowak <pauljr at>
>To: EEC Email List <eec-efi at>
>Subject: New email list created for EEC discussion
>Hello People from Tom Cloud's EEC Email List:
>I just created a new email distribution list made up of the people on Tom
>C's list of names.
>The address for the email distribution list is:
>eec-efi at
>All messages addressed to eec-efi at will result in email being
>sent to all the people on the distribution list. Current members of the
>list are those people appearing at the bottom of this message.
>To use the email distribution list simply address an email message to
>eec-efi at Your message will be distributed to the list
>members. When replying to a message, be sure to address your message to
>the list and not to the individual that wrote the message you are replying
>to (unless you want to reply to the individual only). If you just hit
>reply in your mailer, you will probably end up sending a message to the
>list and to the origional sender of the message which will result in at
>least the origional sender getting the same message twice.
>In addition to participating in these discussions, I, along with Tom and
>probably one or two others, will be moderating the list for quality. I
>don't expect we will have any problems but if we do I won't hesitate to
>boot people.
>To add or delete yourself from the list and for other administrative
>requests, please send email with "eec-efi request" in the subject line to
>me directly at:
>p-nowak at
>Please do not send administrative requests to the list.
>Also, I need some help. If someone will archive messages to the list, I
>will be able to set up a searchable archive in the future.
>Enjoy the list,
>Paul Nowak
> email: p-nowak at (313) 998-6725 (office)
> WWW: (313) 454-1962 (home office)
> Gopher: (313) 998-6580 (fax)
Thanks Paul. I am posting this to diy_efi (Paul may post it too??)
so everyone can know about Paul's effort. As far as my 'monitoring'
the list .... I'm just glad to see someone with the time, desire,
and the means do something with it. As far as archiving, I have a
collection of eec-iv posts that I have saved (but not all -- just
what interested me!), and I would be glad to send them to someone.
Many of those posts were made on diy_efi, but some were made to
the 'list' that I was keeping.
Thanks again, Paul.
Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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