Electrohydraulic Camless Valves

jac at wave.sheridan.wy.us jac at wave.sheridan.wy.us
Fri Nov 15 23:09:43 GMT 1996


your copy of the article is in the mail

john carroll

On Thu, 14 Nov 96 08:59:12  dzorde at aesprodata.com.au wrote:
>     Can't find the magazine anywhere in the local newsagents in OZ, is it 
>     available somewhere on the web ?  Or could someone possibly scan it 
>     and email it to me (it can't be considered breach of copyright if the 
>     magazine is not available in the first place).
>     Dan        dzorde at aesprodata.com.au
>______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
>Subject: Electrohydraulic Camless Valves 
>Author:  diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu at INTERNET
>Date:    11/12/96 11:53 PM
>There was a thread a few months ago about electrically controlled valves.
>The November 7 issue of MACHINE DESIGN magazine has an article about Ford's 
>effor ts in that direction.  The article claims they can operate 16 valves with 
>125 wat ts plus some hydraulic power..
>The concept is elegant.  My complements to the designers.
>With a small electric blower on the intake manifold they should be able to do 
>awa y with the electric starter,  No cam shaft or gearing is needed.  The 
>battery siz e can be reduced.
>Everyone should find a copy of this article.  I bet we will see more of this in 
>t he future.
>john carroll
>jac at wave.sheridan.wy.us
> 11/13/96 00:11:33

jac at wave.sheridan.wy.us
 11/15/96 16:08:12

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