Air Flow Measurement
Anthony Tsakiris
atsakiri at
Tue Nov 19 18:47:15 GMT 1996
> Specifically, I am wondering if anyone has looked into using a
differential-pressure manometer to calculate air flow. This manometer
could be located in the same location as GM puts its heated-wire
mass-air-flow sensor. Any thoughts/comments?
>(FYI - Air flow could be calculated from a differential pressure manometer
by measuring air pressure in an appropriately sized (perhaps 4 inch dia.)
venturi located before the throttle plates. Air velocity through the
venturi throat is related to the difference in pressure between the venturi
throat and the pressure before the venturi. Air velocity is thus used
(along with air temperature) to determine total air mass flowing into the
intake system.)
You still need a measure of density to determine mass flow rate, even
if you know the
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