Air Flow Measurement or Estimation and Fuel Quantity
Anthony Tsakiris
atsakiri at
Wed Nov 20 16:05:58 GMT 1996
>With all of this talk about air flow, could some one please just give me the
>actual working equations for calculating the quantity of fuel required based
>on either the MAF or MAP or TPS methods. I need something to work with.
Preface: The following is generic information obtainable from
any textbook on internal combustion engines.
ma = mass flow rate of air
mf = mass flow rate of fuel
AFR = air-fuel ratio
. .
= ma/mf
= ma/mf when the rates are integrated over the
same time period, say an engine cycle or
cylinder event
AFRs = stoichiometric air-fuel ratio
L = relative air-fuel ratio (relative to stiochiometry)
= lambda
(L < 1 means rich, L > 1 means lean)
mf = ma/AFR
= ma/(L*AFRs)
L is an independent variable with a value determined based
on what the requirement of the engine is (torque, fuel economy,
emissions, ...).
AFRs is a characteristic of the type of fuel, typically taken to
be ~14.7 for air and gasoline.
So ma is needed in order to determine mf.
ma can be measured directly or estimated. ma and mf should be
consistent in time and location.
Anthony Tsakiris
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