Air Flow Measurement

tom cloud cloud at
Fri Nov 22 13:49:53 GMT 1996

        [ snip ]

>>Sure seems a lot better than using MAP and some magical 'volmetric
>I'd prefer to use MAP and learn (and adapt) the VE function using closed 
>loop A/F control if I didn't need EGR (and lots of it - I'm working on a 
>DISC engine project).

        [ snip ]

>Andrew Rabbitt

I think tha's what I've been trying to say .... thanks.  Now, when
you say 'closed loop A/F' do you mean EGO?  And how would you 'learn'
off-stoich conditions (esp. power / rich  and economy / lean), since
the EGO feedback isn't really 'calibrated' at that point (I've assumed
that it would still give useful, if not perfect, data).

Tom Cloud <cloud at>

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