Air flow measurement

kleenair at kleenair at
Tue Nov 26 14:06:04 GMT 1996

This question is for Andrew Rabbitt and anyone else with some ideas...

Through all the discussions regarding air flow measurement, I think we have established that using a MAF sensor 
as the main input generally results in some error due to air flow reversion.  I have two questions:

1)  What is the best way to quantify the error on an actual engine?

2)  Most cars with MAF have some complex air chamber configuration between the MAF and the throttle body.  I 
always thought this was for minimizing the induction noise at WOT.  Are the chambers there to minimize flow 
reversion through the MAF?  If so, what are the general guidelines for the size and location of these chambers 
in the air duct leading to the throttle body?

I think these are simple questions.  Does anyone have any simple answers?

Best Regards,

Mazda Ebrahimi

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