Sandy sganz at
Fri Oct 4 16:34:07 GMT 1996

I think it is a bit more invlolved then that, I have a complete x86 Bios and
DOS with source, I think I recall that you need the AA55, then the size, the
the last word must be a checksum or some dribble like that. 

Also another company that sell hardned x86 PC Bios and Multi-thredded DOS is
'General Software', in Seattle Washington. I have both Embedded DOS and
Embedded BIOS from them. The problem is that you have to shell out some
cash, and for a single project it is not cost effective. This stuff would
work, as you can build the BIOS and DOS to have just the components you
need, and eliminate all that boot crap.


At 12:10 PM 10/4/96 +-100, you wrote:
>Its something like the rom needs to be on a page boundary in the top 384 =
>k and start with AA55 or 55AA, I can find out if anybody wants to know.
>Thinking about it, to find out where to put proms, look in Cmos, and =
>find out which bits you are allowed to shadow. Those addresses that are =
>allowed in cmos, are a good place to put proms!
>Check out a book called Interfacing to the IBM PC published by sams, =
>last checked out of print, and stolen from every library I can find! =
>(but I do have a friend with a copy).

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