68332 vs others, what makes a good EFI controller.

Stuart Woolford stuart at spectel.co.nz
Tue Oct 8 04:36:04 GMT 1996

> I'll agree 'a car is no place for pc's' It can be done (and is) but why make
> extra trouble. On the EFI 332 list you could have had the CPU board and
> debugger for a couple of $$, and all the free software you could use.
> _But_ more importantly, get the App note. I would like to get a copy of it
> if you can. It will be interesting to see other peoples ideas on doing EFI.
> I have a 552' about the biggest problem with them (and all 8051 relatives)
> is the nasty   structure of the processor (My A/C is on, so feel free to
> fire away). The 68332 is a magnatude better for EFI, _AND_ it has a nice
> rich instruction set, including the TPU and other nice thing. If you want
> built in A/D they have a version with that too. But the idea is the same, a
> PC mudder board will be about the worst thing that you could base a system on. 

No need for AC, but have a look at the new 80296 (a new 80196 + 
stuff) from intel, it has what they call an EPA (event processor 
array), which has been around for a while in the '196, it is 16bit, 
50MHz, fast, has 40bit multiply/accumulate at 12.5 mips, and costs 
next to nothing. IMHO the EPA, plus some other internal goodies, way
surpases the TPU (which is also useful..). These things have 2k 
onboard RAM, a 6MB address space, 512 bytes 3-port register, etc, and 
all the nice programmable chip-select/bus type from the old '186, 
plus more.

Real new, but looking real interesting for those high-grunt 

> >
> >Flame on full:
> >I've just *begun* using a Philips 8xC552 uController, and the thought
> >of the time and effort and extra hardware in using a PC to control
> >a car makes me want to PUKE!!!!!  Not to mention how FECKIN' BIG'N
> >UGLY it would be!!!!!  Forget it!!! All this wasted bandwidth is makin
> >me vomit!!!
> {snip}
Stuart Woolford, stuart at spectel.co.nz

                      >>>>In VI Where Available<<<<

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