Air flow meter: Thanks

Bosch, AN, Andrew, Dr ABOSCH at
Fri Oct 11 10:44:30 GMT 1996

To all who replied to my query; thanks for the info. I see the 
problems. In answer to the question of what I was hoping to do, 
the answer is (? was) to remove the restriction imposed by the 
relatively small flow area of the air flow meter. Particularly, the 
throttle body is around 67 mm diam, there's a very large K&N air 
filter, conecting tubing also has large diameter, but the A/F meter 
has an area of  about  50% of that of the rest if the ducting and 
throttle body. The intake runners are also very small, but thats not 
EFI list stuff. The idea suggested of converting a MAF seems like 
quite a fun thing to try. Or maybe a larger A/F meter, with some 
calibration electronics?  

Thanks again. Any further comments are welcome!

Dr A. N. Bosch
Physiology Department/ Sports Science Institute
University of Cape Town Medical School
P. O. Box 115
Newlands 7700
South Africa

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